Creator God, I pledge to celebrate the gift of each child conceived and born truly and to fully mourn each miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, and infant or child death. I will be a witness to my belief in the dignity and worth of all life by honoring sexuality, treasuring the gift of fertility, promoting chaste living, uplifting the sanctity of marriage, helping those struggling with sexual sins, supporting those suffering infertility problems, encouraging those in the adoptive process, and assisting families with prenatal, infant or child crisis, illness or particular need. I will be a solid and consistent voice for life in my home, church, community, and world. Amen.
- Elizabeth Ministry Prayer

Elizabeth Ministry is an international movement designed to offer support and encouragement to women and their families on childbearing, parenting, sexuality, and relationships. Elizabeth Ministry's goal is to respect all life, cherish children, encourage families, enrich marriages and build community.
Following the biblical example of Mary and Elizabeth, we visit and share the sacredness of life.
The Saint Andrew chapter of the Elizabeth Ministry meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 9:30-11:00am in the Olde Church Lower Level to pray together and share in the joys and challenges of motherhood. Children are welcome! We also have evening gatherings for working moms and other support, enrichment, and service opportunities. The Elizabeth Ministry also provides support, encouragement, hope, and healing in the areas of:
Natural Family Planning
Adoption and Blending
Prenatal, Infant, or Child Crisis
Infant/Child Loss
To learn more about the ministry, please contact:
Renee McGovern, (267) 987-1801
Amy Leahy, (215) 622-4524
Pray and Play
1st & 3rd Tuesday of the Month
Olde Church
Lower Level